Limnochori, Achaea

Country: Greece
Region: West Greece
Regional unit: Achaea
Municipality: West Achaea
Municipal unit: Movri
Population statistics (as of 2001)
 - Population: 1,213
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)
Elevation (center): 5 m (16 ft)
Postal: 250 05
Telephone: 26930
Auto: AX

Limnochori (Greek, Modern: Λιμνοχώρι, Ancient/Katharevoussa: -on, meaning, lake town), is a village located in the municipal unit of Movri in Achaea, Greece. The village lies on a narrow road linking Kalamaki and Sageika. Distance from Kalamaki is 2 km NE, about 4 km WNW of Gomosto and GR-9 with no left turn lane. Its nearest communities and villages are Lakkopetra to the north, Kalamaki to the northeast, Gomosto to the south and Apostoli to the southwest but no road. Kato Limnochori is part of this village and had a population of 224 in 1991.


Year Village population Municipal district population
1981 - 1,285
1991 337 -
2001 373 1,213

Forests are found to its west and east while the central, south and the northern part of the village are farms. Residential houses align with the narrow Kalamaki to Gomosto road. It has four sharp turns southward. It has been paved since the late 20th century. In 2002, the southern part of the road was paved. Hills are found north and northeast of Limnochori.

See also
